Thank you for your interest in supporting the non-profit Stiftung Juno Kinderkrebshilfe! We welcome your inquiry about donation opportunities and are available for a personal conversation.
Make a donation – every euro helps!
Donations may be made directly to our bank account:
Stiftung Juno Kinderkrebshilfe
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
IBAN: DE63550205000001772400
Stiftung Juno Kinderkrebshilfe is recognized as a non-profit organization. We will gladly issue a receipt for your donation. For us to do so, it is important that you enter your complete address on the remittance slip. For donations up to an amount of 300 euros, the so-called “simplified proof” is sufficient for the German tax office. In this case, you do not need a donation receipt from us as the beneficiary, but may submit a copy of the account statement or remittance slip instead. Please feel free to use this certificate (download / German only) for this purpose. This helps us save on administration, printing and postage and use a larger share of your donation where the money needed most. We appreciate your help. You can find our current notice of exemption here (German only).
Our donation form – the easy way to donate
Bequests from members of the public – whether in part or as full bequests – make a significant contribution to supporting major projects in the field of children’s cancer aid. For information on options, details in the will, safekeeping or other matters, we work with experts who are available to answer your questions in confidence. Feel free to contact us!
Working with businesses
Whether your company is thinking of sponsoring a piece of medical equipment, taking on the costs for a specific project or entering into a long-term financial cooperation – working with companies that would like to take on responsibility outside their own organization is close to our hearts. Contact us to develop ideas together or to present your idea to us. We look forward to hearing from you!
Long-term donations
To enable us to plan our activities and to meet our commitments reliably, we rely on long-term donations. An endowment secures the existence of our foundation and has an impact through the income that is distributed annually. Unlike a one-off monetary donation, the funds from an endowment cannot be used in the short term, but make a valuable contribution to our long-term planning.
CONTACT US NOW or +49 6131 / 32 700 36