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International Childhood Cancer Day – not only on February 15th
World Childhood Cancer Day was launched 22 years ago to raise…
15. February 2024/by Stephanie Janzarik
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
The month of September is international childhood cancer awareness month. We focus on those affected by the illness, and their families.
30. August 2023/by Stephanie Janzarik
Light, camera, action… Juno shoots its first film
In preparation for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month in September, Juno shoots its first film on children with cancer and sports therapy.
19. July 2023/by Stephanie Janzarik
Sportive and supportive
Sports for children with cancer - that's what we are committed to - and we receive support from great people like Benjamin Franke, known as Benz. He is a marathon runner himself, and also trains others to be successful.
26. June 2023/by Stephanie Janzarik
Is it Easter yet?
Children on the pediatric oncology ward at Unimedizin Mainz were given little Easter bunnies and lambs in the form of fluffy cuddly toys.
27. March 2023/by Stephanie Janzarik
International Childhood Cancer Day
International Childhood Cancer Day was established more than…
15. February 2023/by Stephanie Janzarik
Let the fun begin: Juno Runs 2023
The sun is showing up more often again. With spring approaching,…
13. February 2023/by Stephanie Janzarik
Spotlight on… Harald Jaeger
Harald Jaeger is a member of the Board of Trustees at Stiftung Juno Kinderkrebshilfe - a topic close to his heart.
12. December 2022/by Stephanie Janzarik
Play and fun – distraction through sports therapy
Distraction from the daily grind at hospital is always welcome among young cancer patients. This is where sports therapy comes in.
17. November 2022/by Stephanie Janzarik
Spotlight on… Angela Kast
Angela Kast is a trained lawyer and financing specialist, and joined the Board of Trustees at Stiftung Juno Kinderkrebshilfe in April 2022.
14. November 2022/by Stephanie Janzarik
Gifts for a good cause
Under the motto "Gifting and Donating", a campaign to support Juno Children's Cancer Aid Foundation has been initiated by Joyset.
9. November 2022/by Stephanie Janzarik
Responding to childrens’ questions about cancer: a communications training for clinical staff
How do you respond to children asking about cancer? Dr Sarah Herlofsen provides a communications coaching to nurses and caregivers.
7. October 2022/by Stephanie JanzarikSupport us

Stiftung Juno Kinderkrebshilfe
Alte Gärtnerei 2
55128 Mainz
+49 6131 / 32 700 36
Stiftung Juno Kinderkrebshilfe
IBAN: DE63550205000001772400
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